‘ARK’ is a coming of age story of young love and rebellion set aboard a massive spacecraft (The ARK) midway on a 200-year trip to humanity’s new home.
This short proof of concept was produced as part of a presentation for the 2010 ENGAGE Programme. Based on 1st draft treatment. It does not represent a finished project or the any further re-writes which have taken place over the last six months. More then anything it serves to show-case the backdrop to our narrative and give a broad sense of tone.
Written & Directed by : Luke Leslie
Cinematography by : Narayan Van Maele
3D Animation by David Chandler
Compositing by Michael Lathrope
With additional FX by Luke Leslie
Featuring :
Sam Arnold
Poppy Masterson
Barrie McMullan
Ged Murray
Caroline McMullan
Aoife McCormack
Grace Farren
Caoimhe Byrne
James Saunders
Nora Kelly Lester
Ged Murray
Stephen Lynch
Simon Doyle
Liam Byrne
David Lester Mooney